
Registration Form: Value-added Dairy Processing Workshop

Questions marked with a * are required
Thank you for your interest in attending the Value-Added Dairy Processing Workshop! We will cover topics which include a review of recent recalls for cheese and ice cream makers, food safety hazards (biological, chemical, physical), good manufacturing practices/preventative controls, and a review of an example food safety plan. Each workshop will also include a facility tour at the meeting location. Meeting dates, times, and locations are listed below. 

Monday, January 10:
MTSU Creamery, Murfreesboro, TN

Tuesday, January 11:
Hilltopper Creamery, Bowling Green, KY

Friday, January 28:
NC STATE Howling Cow Creamery, Raleigh, NC
Please write in your name
Please enter your preferred email address. Program materials and registration information will be sent via email
Please write in your gender (if you do not wish to say you can leave this question blank). 
Are you Hispanic or Latino? 
What is your race? (choose all that apply)
Which state do you live in?
Which workshop do you plan on attending? 
What type of value-added dairy products are you most interested in learning about (bottled milk, ice cream, cheese, etc.)?
Please use the space below to share any questions you have about the topics we will be discussing
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